
We are proud to be your source for all listings and property in and around the Ruidoso area.
Our specialty is New Mexico real estate and our agents have the expertise and knowledge it takes to buy a home in this buyers market.
We have agents that specifically focus on certain neighborhoods and also those that just help buyers as well. Did you know that using a buyers agent to buy a home costs you nothing? That's right! When you enlist the help of a buyers agent to help you find and purchase a home, that agent is paid from the seller of whatever property you choose. So our buyers agents are working solely for you the buyer and not the seller of any particular property.
When you start to think about buying Ruidoso real estate you will want to sit down with a lender first and get a pre-approval letter. This letter states that the lender has looked over all your finances and deems you qualified to purchase a home. Having this letter in hand shows the sellers that you are a serious buyer and have done your homework ahead of time to be able to buy the home.
Also, you will want to have some funds set aside for any out of pocket expenses. Some costs such as closing costs, appraisals and fees can be built into the loan or can be negotiated for the seller to cover. But others such as an inspection will need to be paid at the time of service. This is a step you also don't want to overlook. Even if you are planning on buying the home no matter what may be wrong, it is still an excellent way to learn more about one of the biggest investments you may ever make.